
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Manistee River Trail Loop - Afterthoughts

We learned a lot on this trip, mostly about ourselves.  The hike on day two was about 3 miles longer than we were ready for, 10 miles is our comfortable daily limit.

Our gear performed flawlessly.  The hours spent researching gear, reading reviews, and comparing details, really paid off.  It took us a few miles to get our packs adjusted right, but once we had them dialed in they fit great.

Chrissy's work on the menu really made a good trip great, especially the grapefruits!  She has vowed never to carry 2 pounds worth of fruit on a trip again, but I will see if I can sneak one in when we head to N Manitou Island.

We really liked the North Country trail side of the river.  The trail was well marked, the hills weren't that steep, and it was an easy hike.  We didn't like the Manistee River side as well.  There were many more roots to have to negotiate around, the trail was muddy in spots, and there were a lot more hills.  This may have been due to over exerting ourselves on day 2 and not really enjoying day 3 as much.

We can't wait until our next trip, and have already started planning it.